The Almond Board of California (ABC) and the state’s almond farmers have received a Business for Bees Award for going above and beyond to support pollinators.
Awarded by The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC), the honor is reserved for businesses taking exceptional steps to protect bees and pollinators and to advance sustainability and innovation.
NAPPC has only given out the award once before and, according to Kelly Rourke, executive director of NAPPC founders Pollinator Partnership, has chosen to recognize ABC’s leadership in founding the California Pollinator Coalition, its work promoting on-farm pollinator habitat and its support of years of research and education in pollinator best practices.
“ABC’s name is on this award, but it really goes to the 7,600 almond farmers in California,” said Josette Lewis, ABC’s chief scientific officer. “Farmers understand how important pollinators are to growing almonds and to all of agriculture and the environment.”
Managed by Pollinator Partnership, NAPPC is a collaboration of respected scientists, researchers, business people, conservationists and government officials committed to supporting pollinator health.